Saturday, March 7, 2009


Sumenep - bamboo tree lear (bamboo spineless) have typical straight and leaves a little large and growing in Hamlet Daje Songai, Lembung West Village, District Lenteng, Sumenep, Madura residents have seen miracles.

In addition to property have all kinds of treatment for the disease, it seems that living bamboo fertile cemetery near the village guardian that bibitnya toothpick comes from a grandfather planted wheel (one of the descendants of King Sumenep).

Surefire, every time people have visited the cemetery grandfather wheel, take a time to see bamboo tree branches that are strange to the talisman of safety and treatment of disease. How, bamboo branches take in water enough on the white water drunk ago.

Before taking the branches of bamboo, it is suggested that the Al-Quran verses or Tahlil in the cemetery to plant the bamboo. At least read the Al-Fatihah and pray to God. In addition, the bamboo branches that should be taken is stored in a clean place.

One of the descendants of grandfather wheel, K Busairi Achmad (51), say, the existence of the bamboo lear that live hundreds of years have been increasingly recognized and many can be convinced that drug.

"Locals call, lear leaved bamboo bamboo spine medicine for the disease in 1001," said busari in the house, Lembung West Village, District Lenteng, Sumenep.

Another miracle is the survival grandfather wheel of teak living adjacent to these bamboo lear. Perhaps, the teak tree is haunted classified initially only leaves the planted teak.

In its development, leaves of teak trees to be planted and grown teak is also fertile dikeramatkan. In fact, children are still minors (not yet baligh) is not recommended approach. Because, see makhlus fine form large black snake in the wind is teak.

"If another rarity, only certain people can see that with certain knowledge," he said.

Busairi also one of the nursery boarding Ar-Rahman ask people not to understand the peculiarity in one of the bamboo lear. "All power is God's property.

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