Saturday, March 28, 2009


life feels just a feint, not how, we are only enslaved by something that's considered with the naked eye.smoothness that when we have lost because of seemingly small number of factors that affect, or not realize in our teach children to learn that, according to we are good, but not necessarily good for them, we give them a mask that could always change, and sometimes ourchildren use that mask for us.
legislative elections in a crowded again.the politicians- they wear masks, because the original do not appear to face with our naked eyes, because there are pimple on face shape.
who wrong? nothing.all wrong and all am I! I often wear masks in life I must resign I have to droop my head when oldman past a front me (this may be polite-polite) or this is only a mask to make me to respect invisible people.
any way I don,tknow, I just like same mask craft, although I have a mask.